Saturday 21 July 2012


Ok been a little bit slack updating this blog, however alot has changed on the truck. Here are some pictures and comments.

Aluminium finished

Framing, middle section to be cut out for window.

All primered

The back end looks much better than before

Start of colour, was exciting seeing it at this stage

Dan is quite good at painting.
Adding more paint
At home again, all painted, windows in and weather proof.

Sunday 11 March 2012

Major Surgery

The work has begun. Truck went into the workshop just after christmas and has been in there since. We have almost finished the exterior, with just the panneling, painting and windows to go.

Removing the old luton.

Same walls as above but in the process of being shortened. Note the lack of support in the centre.

Roof cut back to start of new luton.

New bathroom and bedroom windows.

The cab now tilts, it was not able to before but it will be possible with our new design.

How the original windows were installed, no framing what so ever, cut a hole and glue it in.

New framing around crawl -through opening.



Removing the rust tok a while

Corner of windscreen with first thin bog.


Alot of steel and work went into this.

Dan welding the floor frame of new luton
Bottom half of frame in place.

Bottom frame

Frame almost done.
Frame done, cab filler primed

Cab with primer
Aluminium going on.


More aluminium

Rear of roof, thinking of putting a solar panel on the slope.
I have also been doing alot of other things that I dont have photos of. I made a fiberglass panel from a mold I made for the top of the crawlthrough. Removed the old rusty roof vents from the cab and fibreglassed closed. Mounted water tank and finished locker frames. Alot more to do so more photos to come.