Friday 15 April 2011

Roof height

Currently I am pondering raising the roof and additional 400mm at the front above the bed to give us enough room to sit up in bed. I am able to do this myself at a fairly cheep cost. So the only thing left to decide is if 3.1m is too high as this will be the total height afterwards.

Tuesday 12 April 2011


Did a fair bit of work at the weekend. The storage box on the rear has now been removed and I have demolished the bathroom. Must take pics at the weekend before I do more.

I took the truck into Kamo today to see the Certifying engineer about getting a certified towbar design. They will have to modify the standard design slightly so that the towbar will be clear of the body. I also found out that it will require me to move the fresh water tank as it is currently right where the towbar will go.

Next weekend I will remove the kitchen bench and the water tank provided I get the time. Next on the list will be to move the bathroom window to the other side of the truck.

Sunday 3 April 2011


Welcome to my new blog, the purpose of this is to Document the progress of my house truck build.

I've just bought a 1982 Ford Trader fitted witha box body with crawl through. Its was convered around year 2000 into a motorhome by some unknown person. The standard of work is not on par with what I would like so it calls for a rebuild.

I'm not worried about doing this rebuild as it will be lighter on the pocket than buying something pre-built. Also I would like it to be unique and not look like one of those 'off the shelf' commercially built cabovers. Also I havnt found a layout I like yet.

So I will figure alot out as I go, but I have a fair idea on how I would like this layed out and it I accomplishable.

Anyway enough for now and here is some pics of how she is now. (If I can work out how)